East Greenwich Public Schools

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MacBook 2021-2022 Remote Meeting Application Guidance

Modified on: Wed, 12 Jan 2022 2:03 PM
To install the Zoom Client App:

Zoom is available to install via the "Self Service" app on your MacBook. You need to launch the "Self Service" app and select "install" under the "Zoom Client" icon. The "Self Service" app can be found on your computers in the "Applications" folder or using the Launchpad app in your dock.

Enabling Screen Sharing in Zoom and Google Meets:

On your MacBook go to:

"System Preferences --> Security & Privacy-->"Privacy" tab-->Screen Recording-->Check off "Zoom.us." (for Zoom), "Google Chrome" (For Google Meets in the Chrome Browser) or "Safari" (for Google Meets in the Safari Browser)
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